VR Experimental Fiction, 2017

Rhizomat VR was produced by INVR.SPACE in co-production with Arte/ZDF and Berliner Festspiele. The VR movie extends the Narrative Space “Rhizomat”, built by the artist Mona el Gammal, from physical into digital space. In the world of “Rhizomat VR”, the Institute for Method (IFM), a global private company, has replaced the state and suppresses and monitors people with regular standard examinations. But the standard examinations do not always go according to plan.

Rhizomat VR was part of the exhibition “Limits of Knowing” by Berliner Festspiele.

RHIZOMAT VR is available in the ARTE app

Direction, Scenography, Script, Concept: Mona el Gammal
Technical Director & Creative Technologist: Philipp Wenning
Director of Photography: Christian Möller
Postproduction Supervisor & Editor: Philipp Wenning
Production: Berliner Festspiele/Immersion, ZDF/ARTE, INVR.SPACE GmbH
Executive & Creative Producer: Sönke Kirchhof
Associate Producers: Simon Ofenloch (ZDF/ARTE), Kay Meseberg (ARTE360/ARTE G.E.I.E.), Annina Zwettler (ARTE Deutschland), Jochen Werner (Berliner Festspiele)