interactive VR documentary, 2021

KUSUNDA is a voice-based virtual reality experience about what makes a language fall asleep and want it takes to awaken one. Lil Bahadur, an indigenous Kusunda shaman, is resigned to the fact that he has forgotten his mother, while his teenage granddaughter is determined to revitalise the language.

KUSUNDA uses a combination of techniques — photogrammetry, volumetric video, motion capture based animations and speech recognition — to take audiences on a unique interactive journey to Nepal.

The project pays tribute to the Kusunda people and their efforts at reclaiming their language. We aim to use the virtual reality piece as a tool for advocacy and activism within and beyond the community.

Co-created by Gyani Maiya Kusunda, Hema Kusunda & Lil Bahadur Kusunda.
Produced by NowHere Media
Co-produced by INVR, Fasad, Poké Poké
In co-operation with: NICE Studios, Realities.io, We Are Machine Media
With support from: Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, ZHdK, Swedish Film Institut, Vulcan Productions, Kaohsiung VR Lab, HTC Vive , Artizen, Sundance Institute, Rudolf Augstein Stiftung, Danish Arts Foundation