Docu-Fiction interactive Series, 2020

360 trailer

African Space Makers is an Kenyan – German co-production „sending“ you on a journey.

This project aims to demonstrate how a creative class can become an agent of social, cultural and economic development and how these spaces are currently challenging the acceptance of established social norms on sexuality, gender, religion, minorities, and race. It consists on the creation of five artistic docu-fictions made in virtual reality (VR) on African urban heroes and the creative spaces that they have started. Each episode will be on a different art collective or individual that is currently contributing in reshaping the city landscape. It’s a virtual tour, a VR experience in the most exciting and interesting urban spaces in Africa (starting the first season in Nairobi). The protagonists of the videos will be the space activators, the African creative class.

The only way to understand Urban Storytelling it’s by experience it. Choose which film director you want to be and experience urban Africa with your own crew. This is your assignment, and this is how you are going to understand what does it mean to be an African Space Maker, a real urban hero!

Nairobi is only the fist season of the African VR series. Stay tuned!

With the support of Culture at Work Africa, Hivos and Goethe Institut Kenya.

Director, Script: The NRB Bus Collective
Author: Vincenzo Cavallo Faras
Director of photography: Isa Mohamed, Philipp Wenning
Stereographer: Sönke Kirchhof
Sound: Bilal Hasimi
Spatial Audio: Rekorder Studios Berlin
Line Producer: Silvia Gioiello
Producer (Kenya): Brian Afande
Producer (Germany): Sönke Kirchhof
Production: Cultural Video Production
Co-Production: INVR.SPACE
Co-Production: Black Rhino VR


XRMust XR Awards 2020 – Impact  Award

Stereopsia Europe 2020 Lumiere Awards – Best VR Direction


Stereopsia Europe 2020 – Lumiere Awards

Venice VR Expanded 2020 – Competition

European Film Market (EFM) 2020 – African VR Showcase

Stereopsia Europe 2019 – The Booster

Venice Gap – Financing Market 2019 – VR Immersive Reality Story Projects