production/distribution initiative , 2022

The Link is a production/distribution initiative that will establish a virtual bridge between museums, exhibitions and cultural events and the people in hospitals and senior residences and thus enhance the cultural and social inclusion. The residents of these healthcare institutions will indeed be able to virtually visit the partnering museums thanks to a Virtual Reality service that will be specifically designed for the healthcare environment.

The project relies on 3 majors pillars:

  • A strategic partnership with premium museum and venues

  • A solid team to produce the immersive visit experiences

  • A distributor to develop the healthcare institutions experiences

The Link will work on an international level, both on the cultural partnerships’ side and on the distribution side.
The consortium is lead by VR4GOOD and INVR to commercially run this service and formed by internationale renowned institutions and companies together with PARIS MUSEES, 6TH Sense VR, COW PROD SAS and SONICVILLE 360.After the experimentation period, The Link should be able to easily integrate major cultural events into its catalog or to deploy the most adapted service for a new institution-customer. Therefore, we will progressively extend the types of virtual visit to all possible forms of art and raise the interactivity level appropriately.

The first 360 museum was realised in partnership with the Petit Palais.

The project received European Union co-funding for the development by Creative Europe – MEDIA.