interactive VR Series, in developement

A family meeting, everone is thinking you are not there. But they are wrong, you hear everything.

The viewer experinces the story from the perspective of the main character and can change the stroline with his dicisions. You wake up without memory. What happened? Your ghost is floating past a family. Slowly you realize it is your own. You discover secrets, a dark truth is revealing itself. The decline of an entrepreneur family.

This experience is the trailer of an interactive series which was created within the scope of the Wim Wenders Stipendium 2018 by Anna Mönnich, Elke Brugger, Benjamin Chimoy, Juan Ortiz as Lagerfeuer-Writers‘ Room and realized in cooperation as part of the development process with INVR.SPACE.

It was recorded using the volumetric video workflow VVOW by Fraunhofer HHI department „Vision & Imaging Technologies“, Trotzkind GmbH and reallifefilm international GmbH co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).